Emotional intelligence
We feel that emotional intelligence (EQ) is not a ‘theory’ or branch of specific knowledge. Rather, it is a level of consciousness and a way of approaching life. A simple description of the term is that it is how well-developed a person’s ability to perceive, understand, and handle both their own and others’ feelings is, as well as to interpret different modes of expression.
Practicing EQ is very beneficial in healthily integrating with other people both at work and in your private life. The first step is to dare analyse yourself, your feelings, and your reactions in different situations. This leads to improved well-being and an improved ability to handle challenges and stress.
Kinga Lundblad, the founder and CEO of Leventa, has been lecturing on the subject of EQ for many years, and has integrated it as a foundational perspective in our working method. This means that we give 100% of ourselves to the work we conduct for our clients, and at the same time carefully see to our own wellbeing. We achieve this by striking a balance between work and time off, and running the company based on sound goals and strategies.
For you, as a client of Leventa, this means that we structure conference programmes in a way that integrates the emotional perspective, rather than focusing on creating as time-efficient a programme as possible. We integrate experiences, time for reflection, and opportunities for exchange in the otherwise information-intense programme that a conference frequently entails. This is what we call ‘value-creating conferences’.

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